Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Effective Communication

At our company's cocktail event last week, we had a workshop on effective communication. It was one of the better workshops that I've attended and so I thought I'll write it down the tips I'd jotted down. Toolbox for making great connections 1) Eye Contact 2) Body Language 3) Words (Finding things in common) 4) Intonation/Enounciation 5) Style (Delivery - informal/informal) 6) First impresions (Looks, Status, Dressing, Voice, Handshake, Smile, Manners, Presentation of oneself) What makes a great communicator great 1) Clarity (Organised Thoughts) 2) Good Tone 3) Ability to articulate 4) Knowledge of what he is talking about 5) Able to keep the listener's attention 6) Able to obtain respect and rapport 7) Engaging 8) Good listener 9) Empathy (put yourself in the other person's shoes and imagine how they feel) Dangers of not communicating well Confusion, conflict, reduced productvity (wastage), ruined relationship, affects your reputation/image, affects your company's image Door openers (Non-webal, verbal) Smile, Nodding, Look concerned (approprirately), Looking interested, handshake, turn and face the speaker Say "Right", "Really", "That's interesting" Active listening An active listener will: 1) show genuine facial expressions 2) use good eye contact and body language 3) occasionally show understanding 4) provide regular verbal feedback 5) ask questions requiring more detail 6) ask a balance of open and closed questions 7) show patience and empathy 8) acknowlege the enthusiasm in the speaker's message 9) reflect back and think before replying 10) keep an open mind 11) listen to understand instead of listening to agree/disagree In short, active listening = empathetic listening 1) Encourages the speaker to speak 2) Confirms understanding 3) Show that you are interested 4) Reduces possibility of misunderstanding 5) Encourages speaker to develop the message and his/her feelings 6) Shows care and understanding rather than you are demanding and controlling How to paraphrase "So what you are telling me is..." "Am I right to say...." "In other words...." "What I am hearing you say is that...." "So basically you feel that..." "I see. You that that...." Other tips 1) Slow down (speech) 2) Keep language simple 3) Enunciate (use whole mouth) 4) Emphasize for meaning 5) Check for understanding 6) Have a clear goal 7) Be courteous even if stressed 8) Listen effectively 9) Encourage positive thinking 10) Treat the listener how THEY (and not you) wish to be treated

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