Showing posts with label B1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label B1. Show all posts

Friday, December 02, 2022

Revival of the blog

As my long-time readers would know, the death of my best friend at took the sail out of my winds totally and I could no longer find the heart to continue with this blog or to write in any blogs for that matter. 

And as all parents would agree, with young children, the days are long but the years are short.

When I stopped writing in 2016, my kiddos who shall hereinafter be known as B1 and B2 were three and in Nursery One. When I write this today, B1 and B2 are nine, and have completed Primary Three in a local school. Nursery One, Nursery Two, Kindy One, Kindy Two, Primary One, Primary Two and Primary Three, all done and dusted.

When I stopped writing in 2016, there wasn't Covid19 or any hint of the pandemic that would upend our way of life and introduce words and measures that we had never heard of (think circuit breaker, vaccination, home-based learning (HBL), vaccination differentiated measures, safe-entry, trace-together token, vaccinated-travel lane, vaccination certificate).  I never thought I would see our supermarket shelves emptied, stripped of meat and vegetables, or see long queues and machines for hand sanitizer and government issued masks.  However, when I write this now, sunny Singapore like most of the rest of the world has opened up and are at the tail end of the pandemic with masks being optional indoors and outdoors, and travelling is back with a vengeance.

When I stopped writing in 2016, I never thought I would start writing a blog again. What with all those great many experiences (food, travel, music, books, parenting) between 2016 to 2022 not being put to keyboard and the web. What with the current job that I have that demands more from me than the previous job. What with B1 and B2 approaching the dreaded PSLE in a matter of three years. And what with the changes that will come our way next year when we have already settled into a comfortable groove. 

 Then as we were spring cleaning for what 2023 would bring academically, B2 said laughingly that she and B1 had done so many assessment books that they could tell parents and other kids what books worked and what didn't. I thought it was a good idea too since B1 and B2 had the grades/certs to lend credence to their claims and reviews of books and enrichment classes. 

And this long-forgotten blog seemed as good a place as any to begin. It holds memories, and it can certainly contain to hold more, even if the memories are to be of what most Singapore kids would grown at the sight of - assessment books!

So, here we go and I hope our reviews of all things under the sun prove to be helpful in one way or the other to readers.