Sunday, December 27, 2009

War (2007),Traitor (2008) and Management (2009) movie

We watched three movies on DVD this lazy hot Sunday afternoon.

The first was "War" starring Jet Li and Jason Strathan. A synopsis of the movie can be found here. The Slog Reviews: 6.5/10. I'm glad I didn't waste $ watching this at the cinema. Given, the title, one would have thought that the movie was something epic but nah, it was just about one man playing two rival fractions (Chinese clan and the Yakuza) in the name of revenge. There was quite a bit of action but these were mostly gunfire scenes - the fight scenes without guns were few (2?) and short.

The second was "Traitor" which I felt, was one of the better movies I've seen. A great summary of the movie can be found here. But be warned that if you click this link, forget about watching the movie altogether unless you like eye candy like Guy Pearce or Don Cheadle's sad hound-dog look. The Slog Reviews: 8/10. This movie is all about suspense - not knowing if Don is going to get caught for being a double agent - reading the summary would spoil it all. I particularly liked the quotes by Cheadle in the movie "If a man hasn't found something he's willing to die for, he isn't fit to live." and "War is the lesser Jihad. To overcome temptation, to live rightly, that is the great Jihad. " The acting in this movie was also terrific, in my opinion.

The third was "Management". Again, a movie which I was glad I didn't waste $ watching in the cinema. I was surprised that Jennifer Aniston would agree to accept such a unremarkable role at all. I spent a good part of the movie sitting up close to the TV and trying to make out wrinkles around her eye area but there were none at all. Her eyes are a lovely color though. Although the lead actor, Steve, has wrinkles around his eyes, he still looks younger than her. I am not sure if that's supposed to be intended - young man falling for older woman. Maybe so, given his character's absurd actions in the show. This would include, confessing that he wants to touch her butt (that should have earned him a slap, not a grope), buying a one way airplane ticket to look for her at her company, skydiving into her ex-boyfriend's pool, falling in love with her just after two encounters. I love romantic shows, not absurd ones. The Slog Reviews: 3/10. Don't waste two hours of your life watching this show.

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