Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Edge of darkness (2010) movie

I caught the Edge of Darkness.

The Slog Reviews: 6/10. I've found a review on the net that describes exactly how I feel about the whole show. Click here. A show not worth the ticket price IMHO. It wasn't that I expected more from Mel Gibson since this is first movie in at least 5 years but the plot was nothing really novel - govt cover-up/conspiracy and all the baddies die in the movie. Oh, Mel Gibson dies in the show too at the end, having being poisoned by his daughter's employer, who runs the research and development center which deals with nukes and dirty bombs. One scene stays in my mind though - when his daughter is blasted in the middle with a shot gun and flies backwards through the door. Woah, talk about impact and nasty irreversible damage.

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